Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bible prophecies are coming true

Hello everyone!
I can't remember the password for this old blog (I have it written down somewhere) but my good old trusty Acer computer remembers it so I'm good to go with new columns!
Today is Thursday Jan. 21 of 2016 so it'll be a good new start for a new year too (though actually the Chinese lunar New Year isn't until Feb.8/9 - with variations in the dates between Mandarin and Cantonese), and the Old Testament Hebrew new year isn't until April 8/9, but in any case it still feels like new beginnings to me today.
That's in large part because I have just finished my term volunteering as secretary of the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association here in Campbell River and so now I have lots of time to devote to new endeavours.
God has put it into my mind to write a book about what is really in The Holy Bible and while I already have reams of longhand information for that book (some amazing stuff, e.g. that there are two different Bethlehems in there - and more stuff below) it will take a lot of time to complete that book and so far at least I am not quitting everything else I do to focus just on that, but maybe I will once it gets rolling, or near to completion.
I also have several other long-standing book projects in my hopper and this year I'll also be doing a new season of my Talk About show on Shaw TV North Island, for which I just recorded a new episode. (My past and future shows are posted on YouTube.)
Saving British Columbia
But really I have bigger fish to fry and they especially include getting British Columbia to adopt policies that will make it better able to withstand the coming tribulations whether you/we define them as Biblical, environmental, economic or political - and probably it will be all of the above exacerbating each other into a global war in which no flesh would be saved alive except that a God Family member we call Jesus, whose birth name was Yeshua or Yehoshua (also rendered Joshua) - will come back and save us. (Matt.24:22)
One of the best and most important ways for B.C. to do that would be to revive the Bank of B.C. as a Crown corporation and empower and enable it to issue new currency in the full range from metal and paper through bar-code and bits along with bonds and other instruments - all parallel to the Canadian currency and indeed also parallel to U.S. dollars and global currencies.
The importance of that move is too important and complex to fully explain now and here but it is fundamental to any jurisdiction's stability to have ready access to a viable means of commerce and exchange, which a new B.C. buck would do - especially if the government declared it would be legal tender for the payment of taxes - and then the private sector would widely accept it too. (The key is that if or when Canadian and American currencies fail or become scarce then B.C. would still have a useable currency; and there would best be some rules to restrict distortions by nefarious external forces like say China and organized crime.)
In recent years I have tried to push that bank and currency concept inside several political parties but none have adopted it yet, perhaps assuming it's a wacky hybrid of Major Douglas and his "social credit" theories, but really the resistance to the idea is based mainly on ignorance because to this very day Alberta is still doing a form of that with its Alberta Treasury Branches (there's a good summary of it on Wikipedia) and actually B.C. did have its own bank in the past too until regimes beholden to Big Money shut it down (actually they shut down the Treasury Branches and sold off the bank, which failed and was absorbed by HSBC).
Bible prophecies coming true
Anyway, it's a brand new day of a brand new year and Armageddon is still a ways away, though events in the Middle East and Europe are proving anew that Bible prophecy is unerring.
When will Armageddon come? The Bible teaches that we won't know the day or hour (those probably are terms both symbolic and literal) but we will know the season when the fig tree blossoms and fruits and I surmise it will be about 2,000 years (or Biblical "days") not dated from His unrecorded birth (which was NOT in December) but more likely dated from His baptism or crucifixion, putting Zechariah 14:4 and Revelation 16 to 22 around 2030 plus or minus 4 years.
So there IS still time to save the world, or at least to enable most British Columbians to survive through it first if its government makes proper preparations for social security (civil defence plus welfare) but mainly by repenting towards God beforehand by learning anew to keep all of the commandments as originally taught - with "remembering" the original Sabbath of Friday sundown to Saturday sundown being "a sign forever throughout your generations" (Exodus 24:7 and 31:13,17; Lev.16:29,31,34; Ezek.20:20 and others).
But make no mistake: The Bible also clearly and repeatedly teaches that vast numbers of humans will die in the coming conflicts, including two-thirds of mankind (Ezek.5:12 and Zech.13:8) and 90 per cent of the Israelites (modern-day Jews plus Anglophones) (Is.6:13 and Amos 5:3).
Why would God's people be subjected to a harsher penalty? Hopefully my interpretation of that is wrong (other scriptures suggest a survival rate of 50 per cent) but logically it is because those people were warned repeatedly from Exodus to Revelation (especially in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28) to repent and so nowadays they should know better. Also see Ezekiel 18:30 among many other scriptures that warn people to keep the Commandments, including by Jesus in Matt.19:17. (The OT Commandments were NOT "done away" on the cross!!)
In the past the vast majority of people and their religions and churches have happily dismissed such prophecies as nonsense dreamed up by silly old sexist men but nowadays when we see what is going on in the world anyone with an eye to see and an ear to hear must conclude that the Bible prophecies are coming true, every one to a T - every jot and tittle.
Damascus prophecy comes true
A prime example is the war in Syria turning Damascus into a "ruinous heap" as per Isaiah 17:1; we must conclude that Bob Dylan was prescient and Bible-literate when he wrote All Along the Watchtower based on Isaiah 21. Look it up yourself and see!! (Also see Jeremiah 49 - Damascus was never trashed until modern times!)
But now there are so many fulfilments: the Kings of the East are evident in China and its allies and clients, the Euphrates can be dried up due to dams in Turkey, the Prince of Meshach, Tubal and Rosh is probably Vladimir Putin, the King of the North will soon be a German-led NATO in a pared-down 10-member EU allied with the Roman Catholic church, the King of the South will be determined soon by the emerging war between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudis and by who will end up running Egypt, and of course the infamous end-time beast power is the powerful Pope emergent in Rome.
Where are the United States and Great Britain and the Commonwealth nations in prophecy? They're the Israelites!
Yes the Israelites are NOT the Jews in Bible prophecy - the Jews are called Judah.
Yes the Jews ARE Israelites too, but they are a separate tribe within Israel, but the birthright blessings promised to Abraham and his descendants clearly were given to America and Britain starting in about 1800 coincident with the industrial revolution and they fulfill it now, plus England inherited the Throne of David when Jeremiah took a daughter of King Zedekiah to Ireland and thereby preserved the Throne of David that God promised would exist forever, which it did via transplants to Scotland and today England - with Queen Elizabeth II having been coronated on a throne containing Jacob's Pillar Stone aka the Stone of Destiny.
That prophecy is so important to understanding world events today that I would urge readers both believers and skeptics to study these and other scriptures:
Jeremiah 16:13, 18:7, 31:28, 32:37, 33:17, 41:10, 42:10, 43:6, 44:28, 45:4, 47:27 and all of Ezekiel 17.
Again among many others.
That group of nations now comprises what the security and spy experts call the Five Eyes.
The return of the Jews to Israel in 1948 and to Jerusalem in 1967 also is in prophecy though they have not yet rebuilt the temple, but they do have plans for it and know its proper location: close behind the Islamic Dome on a site in which ground-penetrating radar has revealed the footings of the original temple!
But all that gist is just an appetizer of the feasts of information yet to come as the Bible's mysteries become fully revealed.
I have been closely studying the Bible for about 35 years now and it is increasingly obvious to me that things like Daniel's dream of an image symbolizing successive empires to come are proving to be amazingly accurate and true. (See Daniel 2 and Google "Daniel's vision" to get analysis by various churches.)
Bible text has only a few flaws
In fact the whole Bible is remarkably accurate history and most of it is fairly well translated too (at least in the King James Version) except for a very few lines that Bible scholars are well aware of such as the Middle Ages insertion of Easter to replace Passover in Acts 12:4 and some punctuation and translation errors that distort the meanings of a few important passages such as in Collossians 2:17 [it should mean that church elders of that day were to determine what is correct doctrine], the "spirit of the Law" should not negate the "letter of the Law" in 2 Corinthians 3, and the comma is badly misplaced in Luke 23:43 which has misled millions of people into wrongly believing that when they die they will go instantly to life in heaven when really the dead go to sleep until after the second coming of Jesus.
And if you want to check those things yourself but don't have a Bible handy you can still do so very easily by using Google and searchable online Bibles, with my preference being .
In fact there is so much such good information available now about The Holy Bible that these times clearly fulfill the prophecy in Daniel 12:4 that its secrets would be locked up until "the time of the end ... when knowledge shall be increased" and that includes Daniel 12:9 which is a key portal into the Bible Code that can be unlocked only by computer analysis of equidistant letter spacings in the Hebrew text and which reveal where the Ark of the Covenant is buried.
While we here in Canada see our politics and news fixated on the economy and taxes, or maybe on climate change, gender issues and sports, the real big challenge goes almost unknown, and that is the urgent need for people wanting to earn an immortal soul to study the Bible and thereby learn how to repent towards God. Now!
That's what our lives should really be mainly about.
That said, I'll now see how the Vancouver Canucks do against Boston. At the end of the first period it's 1-0 for Vancouver.
LATER: It ended 4-2 for Vancouver with Daniel Sedin scoring the last two goals and thereby becoming the all-time goal-scoring leader in franchise history. Go Canucks!
And Come Jesus!

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