Thursday, May 17, 2012

An apology from Tsakumis??

BC Liberal outbursts were deliberate
I happened to visit Alex Tsakumis`s blog before shutting down for the night (after watching John Cummins with Vaughn Palmer on Voice of B.C. (no blood was shed, no blunders said)) and I was pleasantly surprised to see there a nice apology from Alex to me! 
It was not about a nasty diatribe he vented at me a few weeks ago but nonetheless it was a gentlemanly admission that I was probably correct in asserting the Bloy and Krueger outbursts had been deliberate and part of a B.C. Liberal political strategy, as were Bob Mackin and John van Dongen, he said.
So anyway thank you Alex, we may not agree on everything but we do seem to be swimming in the same direction, namely trying to get rid of an incompetent and corrupt regime and replacing it with something better - and Alex`s work with the Basi-Virk documents deserves some kind of award, IMO.

Christy returning to CKNW??
And while I was at Alex`s site (or incite) I noticed and read another column on B.C. Liberal foibles which ended with a scoop from Alex to the effect that he had heard from radio industry sources that Premier Christy had sent an emissary to broach the idea of her returning to NW as a talk show host.
Below is what I posted on Tsakumis`s blog about that:

"The story of Christy sounding out CKNW about a job could be not about a post-election position but an immediate one - she resigns in a few weeks, takes some severance, then restarts anew at CKNW - clearing the way for the Liberals to select a new and better leader (hard to be worse).
The suits at NW might not like it but the corporate bosses of B.C. might tell NW`s owners it`s something they must do in the interests of B.C.`s private sector. And if NW doesn`t go along they`ll soon lose a whole bunch of major advertisers and have to lay off staff anyway."

That would be yet another amazing sharp turn in B.C.`s ever-turbulent politics but the latest opinion poll numbers certainly support the logic of such a move: the Dix New Dem`s are now at 50% so the idea of free-enterprise vote-splitting is NOT a factor - the problem is the Liberal brand itself, which has become irreparably tainted, due in considerable part to Tsakumis and MLA John van Dongen and others insisting that court documengts suggest she was involved in perverting the sale of BC Rail.

The HST schmozzle was unforgiveable, and the destruction of BC Hydro is unforgiveable but the one scandal that Clark herself wears to some degree is the corrupted sale of BC Rail.
So yes the no longer new Christy minstrel would be wise to leave now, or sooner rather than later, because if she clings to office until May 14, 2013 she and her party will be deservedly decimated.

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